Technical Inspection of Work Sites
Lo Aguirre – Alto Melipilla Line 2×220 kV, Alto Melipilla – Rapel Line 1x220kV
2018 a 2022
Metropolitana Region, Chile
Technical Inspection Services of Lines and Substations, and Construction Engineering for the project consisting of the construction of the 2×220 kV Lo Aguirre – Alto Melipilla Line and the 1X220 kV Alto Melipilla – Rapel Line, which includes the sectioning of the 2×220 kV Rapel – Cerro Navia Line, the normalization of the Tap-Off of Chilquinta Energía S.A. and the Alto Melipilla 220 kV Sectioning Substation. In addition, it considers the expansions of Rapel and Lo Aguirre substations.
New Río Toltén 220 kV Sectioning Substation
2019 a 2021
de la Araucanía Region, Chile
Dessau provided counterpart engineering and technical inspection services for this project. The project is located in the municipality of Freire, La Araucanía Region, and included the construction of a Substation sectioning the Ciruelos – Cautín 2×220 kV line. The configuration of the Substation corresponds to medium «Y» switch and AIS technology.
New Cerros de Huichahue Sectioning Substation 220 kV
2019 a 2020
de los Ríos Region, Chile
Dessau was responsible for the technical inspection of the project, which is located in the XIV Region of Los Ríos. This project consisted of the construction of a new sectioning substation of New Line 2×220 kV Ciruelos – Pichirropulli. The configuration of the Substation corresponds to medium «Y» switch and AIS technology.
Banco autotransformador subestación Charrúa
2011 a 2013
Región del Bio-Bío, Chile
Hyosung Corporation adjudicó a Dessau la inspección técnica en obra para el desarrollo del proyecto Instalación de un banco autotransformador de 500/220 KV y 750 MVA en la subestación Charrúa. La compañía ejecutó el control y toma de acciones para el mejoramiento y corrección de las actividades de ingeniería, construcción, montaje y puesta en servicio de las obras, que contemplaron la ampliación del patio de 500 kV en la subestación, extensión de las barras principales y de transferencia en el espacio para incorporar el paño del nuevo banco de autotransformadores y del futuro paño seccionador de barras de 500 kV.
Backup Power Salar Thermoelectric Power Plant
2008 a 2010
Atacama Region, Chile
Counterpart Engineering Services, Technical Inspection of Works and Support in the commissioning of a 60 MW Backup Power Plant, called Salar Thermal Power Plant, located in the Chuquicamata Mineral, which is located in the Atacama Region, 1650 km north of Santiago and 3000 meters above sea level.